Sunday, August 14, 2011

What happened to me?

I'm looking at my title, "Mary Grace the Opportunist" and I don't even know who that person is anymore. I use to write a lot, now I've resorted to the lazy blogging of Tumblr. I can't even type as proficiently as I did anymore. Literally, as I am typing these three sentences, I feel like my fingers are stuttering, constantly backspacing because I keep typing the wrong thing. This manifests in how I communicate. Sometimes I feel so tired after school and work that I just don't feel like talking, and if I try to talk and I can't get it out, I get frustrated with myself. I use to write songs, I use to sing, I use to blog about insightful things.Some things needs to change in my life.

My daily life as of now is exhausting. I work on my feet for up to 9 hours, and then I go to school until 9:45pm. If my boyfriend can't get me from school, I have to take public transportation home, but he usually gets me because he's amazing like that. It doesn't sound like much but it's so tedious. I keep telling myself I can't wait to be done with school. I would rather just work and get paid. Others tell me the complete opposite. My friends who work tell me that they would rather be in school. I can't agree with that and I can't even understand why you would want to be back in school when you are in a position where you are doing what you want with your life and getting paid for it. Maybe I'm vain and I'm only interested about the money but I'm a business major... money is the prize and it's even a bigger one when you're doing what you love.

This summer has been an eventful one. It has been an extremely emotional, trying, and exhausting period of my life. I know I can make it into what I want it to be and now I'm going to make more of an effort to do so because some things need to change in my life. First, I'm going to take myself off Twitter and Tumblr because I can never seem to get my full thoughts out there. The two sites are blurring my definition of sharing when all I'm doing is throwing useless bullshit out there. Actual blogging is more mature and I can write more creatively without the distractions of comics and gifs. Second, I'm going to pray/meditate more. In a place in my life where I'm constantly surrounded by people I need to find my zone of alone time, away from the computer. These changes, I know, will make me a better person. I'm a lot more peaceful and happy than I use to be but now I have to I'm 6sigma my life... there is always room for improvement.

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